
Bocas del Toro Nature Tour

Bocas del Toro Nature Tour

If you are interested in Birding Bocas del Toro, come and join us at Kaiyote Tours!

Birding Bocas del Toro, Panama

This tour will focus on fall migration, and we will stay at the best resorts for viewing raptor and many other birds as well. 

Click here:  Panama Bird List for a list of all the birds we have seen over the many years of touring in Panama

  • 2024:  September 25 -October 4, 2024, spots left = 0
  • 2025:  October 19 - 28, 2025, spots left = 4
  • Additional Dates:  Tours by Request
  • Group Size:  4 travelers, plus guides
  • Trip Length: 10 days 
  • Tour Rate: $3,650 per person ($900 extra for single occupancy)
  • Rates include: Domestic transfers, round trip airfare from PTY to DAV, lodging, breakfast, lunch, dinner, scheduled group tours, park entrance fees, and basic travel insurance.
  • Not included: International airfare, customs & immigration fees and visas, alcohol, trip cancellation insurance, snacks in between meals.
  • Adventure level:  Easy, please check the “Welcome” page for definition

Private Trips: We are increasingly taking people on private trips. If a group trip does not interest you, please contact us about a private tour and dates you prefer. 

Special offer:  Included with your trip (one per room) is a copy of the field guide “The Birds of Panama” by George Angehr and Robert Dean.  You will receive this when you reserve your trip so you will have time to study and know the beautiful birds of Panama.

Key Species:  Strawberry Poison-dart Frog, Bronzy Hermit, Stud-tailed Spadebill, Nicaraguan Seed-finch, Mangrove Cuckoo, Canebrake Wren, Snowy Cotinga, Pale-billed Woodpecker, Olive-crowned Yellowthroat, Red-billed Tropicbird.

**Pearl Islands:  About 30 miles off the coast from Panama City is the island archipelago called the Pearl Islands, which includes over 200 islands.  If you sign up for two tours, back to back, you will have a free day in between the tours.  We can help you schedule activities for that day.  We recommend a visit to one of the Pearl Islands.  It is a 1.5 hour boat ride and with opportunities to view sea birds such as boobies, petrels, terns, gulls, and other birds as well. The islands offer great swimming, snorkeling and other water activities.  

Basic Itinerary

Day 1:  Arrival in Panama City
Most flights from the United States arrive late in the early morning or late evening. We will meet you at the Tocumen International Airport (PTY) with a shuttle to the Riande Airport Hotel.

Day 2:  Gualaca, Chiriquí 
From Panama City we will take an early morning flight (1-hour) to the city of David, located in the Chiriquí province of Panama. From there we will drive 1-hour to the Horizonte Resort, which is located atop the mountain ridge that separates the Chiriquí province from the Bocas del Toro province.   The property has 322 acres, many trails for hiking, and of course, is also great for hawk-watching. We will spend 2-nights at this resort. 

Day 3: Gualaca, Chiriquí 
A full day of birding a top the mountains of Chiriquí.  A 20-minute drive from the hotel is an eBird hotspot:   Reserva Forestal  Fortuna  And the hotel property has excellent bird as well. 

Day 4: Bocas Ridge
From our mountain top hotel at Gualaca, it is a 2.5 hour drive to Bocas Ridge, where we will stay at the Bocas Ridge Hotel, which as the name implies, is located on Bocas Ridge where the Hawkwatch station is located. We would spend 3-nights here.

Day 5: Bocas Ridge 
A full day of birding the Bocas Ridge and other birding hotspots close to the hotel.

Day 6: Bocas Ridge 
A second full day of birding the Bocas Ridge and other birding hotspots close to the hotel. 

Day 7:  Gualaca, Chiriquí 
Early morning birding in Bocas and then we will pack-up and head back to the Horizonte Resort, where we will spend 2-nights. It is a 2.5 hour drive in between lodging locations. 

Day 8: Gualaca, Chiriquí 
A full day of birding the 322 acres of the hotel property, and visiting other birding hotspots close to the hotel. Besides birding, the resort offers many other activities  for those who want other activity options. 

Day 9:  Panama City 
Early morning departure for our 1-hour flight back to Panama City. We will be staying at the Riande Airport Hotel for our last night.  There will be time for afternoon birding on the hotel property.  The airport hotel is a birding hot sport with 221 species:  Tocumen--hotel Riande Aeropuerto

Day 10:  Fly Home 
Shuttle to the airport for your trip home.  
